It has been a while since I posted. I hate when time gets away from me, but here we are.
Dias de los Muertos was almost a month ago. All of the fourth and fifth grade students' work was displayed at Lawndale Art Center. Our exhibit was beautiful!
I am currently inputting all of the fourth and fifth grade students' names into Artsonia. If you haven't received a permission slip for Artsonia yet you'll be receiving one before the Winter Holidays. If you received one, but misplaced it, don't worry. I'll be sending out permission forms to everyone who hasn't returned one.
Currently the Pre-K through First Grade students are working on creating a book. We read two books by Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Mixed Up Chameleon. You can watch a video of Eric Carle talking about the Very Hungry Caterpillar or let him read the book to you. We are going to create a book in each of the classes, so keep your eyes and ears open for news.
Second and Third Graders will be drawing self-portraits and painting them over the next couple of weeks. We'll be using mirrors to draw our self-portraits. Once the drawings are finished we'll be using watercolor to paint them and black marker to for definition.
Fourth and Fifth Graders will be working on contour drawing. We'll be drawing familiar objects, so our first drawing will be one of our shoes. We'll use contour drawing to create our Rodeo Art this year. Students will be drawing a still life of boots and other Western gear.
The kiln is up and working! If you click on the word kiln you'll be able to see a kiln like ours. We are looking forward to creating lots of awesome clay artworks.
Please contact me, Jean King, if you have any questions about what we are doing in the DZ Art Room. My planning and conference time is 7:45 to 8:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.