
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome to the new school year

Welcome back to the art room. School has begun again. It seems such a short time ago that we were saying goodbye for the summer.

I'm sure that this is going to be a wonderful year.

I spent my summer doing a variety of things, but all of them relate to my teaching. I traveled with my husband in Europe. He had to teach. I just traveled. We went to Milan and Venice in Italy, Stavanger, Norway and London, England. I wandered around wondering what I would find that I could use for my classes this year.

While I was in Europe I got the news that my principal, Mr. Javier Villarreal, had been moved to Edison Middle School. This is a promotion for him and he will be able to keep up with our former De Zavalans as they travel on in their education.

Once we returned home I spent a great deal of time online researching and trying out new technology for my art room. There is so much out there it is overwhelming. I'm still processing all that I learned. I'll be filling you in on more of that later. My favorite new social media is Twitter. You can find me there communicating with my PLN (Professional Learning Network).

My new principal was selected towards the end of the summer break. Ms. Lisa Rios is on the ball and definitely going to lead our school in an exciting new year.

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